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Silent Art Auction

The Arts Center will be Holding a Silent Art Auction. This Auction will be for four individual and unique designs done by four local artists. Each piece is shown above and numbered. You may also view these pieces at our Arts Center in the Northfield Square Mall.

Each piece measures 4 feet tall by 8 feet wide and are painting in Acrylic on Plywood.


The Auction will run March 11th through April 14th and close by 8pm on the 14th. The winner will be announced and notified on the 17th of April.

The minimum bid for each piece starts at $50. You can download the bid form HERE to fill out and send via email to the Arts Center at or you may go to the Arts Center to fill one out and submit your bid. Highest bidder for each piece wins. In the occurrence of a tie the persons will be notified and offered to raise their bid. The winner will then be the highest bidder.

For any other questions please contact the Arts Center via email or stop in during business hours.